Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Budaya Lombok - Tradisi “Menculik” Gadis

Budaya Lombok - Tradisi “Menculik” Gadis

Di Lombok, khususnya suku sasak terdapat tradisi “menculik” gadis. Tradisi ini termasuk budaya di Lombok yang masih dijaga hingga sekarang. Namun, tidak sembarangan gadis yang bisa diculik. Gadis yang akan diculik tentu harus gadis yang memang mencintai laki-laki yang akan menculiknya. Selain itu, gadis yang diculik tidak lantas dibawa ke rumah laki-laki tersebut, melainkan dititipkan di rumah kerabat laki-laki. Jika sudah satu hari Si gadis bermalam di rumah kerabat laki-laki tersebut, pihak keluarga akan memberitahukan pada pihak keluarga Si gadis bahwa mereka telah menculik Si gadis dan disembunyikan di suatu tempat. Pemberitahuan ini disebut Nyelabar. Selanjutnya kedua keluarga akan bertemu untuk membicarakan tahap selanjutnya yaitu pernikahan antara keduanya. Melihat tradisi yang seperti ini, terlihat bahwa budaya di Indonesia memang sangat unik.

Translation by Google

In Lombok, there is a tradition in particular sasak "kidnapped" girl. This includes cultural traditions in Lombok which is still maintained today. However, not carelessly be kidnapped girl. The girl who gets kidnapped the girl should certainly do love men who would kidnap her. In addition, the girl who was kidnapped is not necessarily brought into the house of the man, but left at home male relative. If the girl had one day to spend the night in the homes of relatives of these men, the family will notify the girl's family that they had kidnapped the girl and hidden somewhere. This notification is called Nyelabar. Furthermore, the two families will meet to discuss the next stage of the marriage between the two. Looking at the tradition, it is seen that the culture in Indonesia is very unique. 

Translation by Vita 17611306

There is a particular Sasak tribe tradition in Lombok "kidnapped" girl, and exists until now. Not all girls can be kidnapped, only the girl who loves each other with a man. Then the girl is taken to family's man and she lives there for a day. After that the family's man tell the family's girl that they have been kidnapped her, it is called nyelabar, and they are going to talk about plan marriage between the girl and the man. Indonesian tradition is really unique.

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