Selasa, 23 Juni 2015


The microwave has been a household staple since its conception nearly 50 years ago, but hasn't seen much in innovation despite major tech breakthroughs.

It was only a matter of time before a company stepped in with a concept to fix a common problem: Leftovers are just not as good the next day.

Translated by Vita 17611306

Microwave (alat penghangat makanan) telah menjadi peralatan rumah tangga pokok sejak alat itu diciptakan sekitar 50 tahun lalu. Meskipun microwafe merupakan terobosan teknik utama, tetapi belum banyak pembaharuan. 

Itu hanya masalah waktu sebelum suatu perusahaan melangkah untuk memperbaiki suatu permasalahan umum. Sisa makan siang sudah tidak enak keesokan harinya.

Translatedby Google:

Microwave telah menjadi pokok rumah tangga sejak konsepsi hampir 50 tahun yang lalu, tapi belum melihat banyak inovasi meskipun terobosan teknologi utama. 

Itu hanya masalah waktu sebelum perusahaan melangkah dengan konsep untuk memperbaiki masalah yang umum: Sisa hanya tidak sebaik hari berikutnya.

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Slang Words

  • Bae

    Perhaps the biggest slang term of the year was "bae," which is a shortened form of "babe" and also an acronym for "before anyone else." The word is used as a term of endearment for a significant other, or sometimes about food or things you just really like. 

    • Slay

      Similar to "yas," "slay" became a term used often in fashion (although definitely not exclusively) to describe a person who is looking or doing something that is amazing. When you are slaying, it means that you are at the top of your game.

      Translated by Google


      Bae Mungkin istilah slang terbesar tahun ini adalah "bae," yang merupakan bentuk singkat dari "sayang" dan juga merupakan singkatan dari "sebelum orang lain." Kata ini digunakan sebagai istilah sayang untuk lainnya signifikan, atau kadang-kadang tentang makanan atau hal-hal yang Anda hanya benar-benar suka. Pharrell membuat penggunaan kata populer dalam lagunya "Ayo Get It Bae.


      Membunuh Mirip dengan "yas," "membunuh" menjadi istilah yang sering digunakan dalam mode (meskipun jelas tidak secara eksklusif) untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang sedang mencari atau melakukan sesuatu yang menakjubkan. Ketika Anda membunuh, itu berarti bahwa Anda berada di puncak permainan Anda.

      Translated by my Self 
      Mungkin kata slang yang paling terkenal saat ini adalah "bae," yaitu kependekan dari kata "babe" dan juga sebuah akronim untuk "before anyone else." Kata ini digunakan sebagai istilah sayang untuk orang yang berarti, atau kadang-kadang untuk makanan yang sangat anda sukai.

      mirip dengan "yas," "slay" kata yang sering digunakan dalam istilah mode (meskipun tidak secara khusus) untuk menggambarkan seseorang yang terlihat sangat hebat atau melakukan hal yang sangat hebat. Ketika anda dijuluki slaying berarti anda sedang berada di puncak.


Selasa, 21 April 2015


  • I did the research on where we should have the company retreat this year and now I’m waiting for a decision from Bill.  The ball is in his court now.

The ball is in your court: It is up to you to make the next decision or step

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Budaya Lombok - Tradisi “Menculik” Gadis

Budaya Lombok - Tradisi “Menculik” Gadis

Di Lombok, khususnya suku sasak terdapat tradisi “menculik” gadis. Tradisi ini termasuk budaya di Lombok yang masih dijaga hingga sekarang. Namun, tidak sembarangan gadis yang bisa diculik. Gadis yang akan diculik tentu harus gadis yang memang mencintai laki-laki yang akan menculiknya. Selain itu, gadis yang diculik tidak lantas dibawa ke rumah laki-laki tersebut, melainkan dititipkan di rumah kerabat laki-laki. Jika sudah satu hari Si gadis bermalam di rumah kerabat laki-laki tersebut, pihak keluarga akan memberitahukan pada pihak keluarga Si gadis bahwa mereka telah menculik Si gadis dan disembunyikan di suatu tempat. Pemberitahuan ini disebut Nyelabar. Selanjutnya kedua keluarga akan bertemu untuk membicarakan tahap selanjutnya yaitu pernikahan antara keduanya. Melihat tradisi yang seperti ini, terlihat bahwa budaya di Indonesia memang sangat unik.

Translation by Google

In Lombok, there is a tradition in particular sasak "kidnapped" girl. This includes cultural traditions in Lombok which is still maintained today. However, not carelessly be kidnapped girl. The girl who gets kidnapped the girl should certainly do love men who would kidnap her. In addition, the girl who was kidnapped is not necessarily brought into the house of the man, but left at home male relative. If the girl had one day to spend the night in the homes of relatives of these men, the family will notify the girl's family that they had kidnapped the girl and hidden somewhere. This notification is called Nyelabar. Furthermore, the two families will meet to discuss the next stage of the marriage between the two. Looking at the tradition, it is seen that the culture in Indonesia is very unique. 

Translation by Vita 17611306

There is a particular Sasak tribe tradition in Lombok "kidnapped" girl, and exists until now. Not all girls can be kidnapped, only the girl who loves each other with a man. Then the girl is taken to family's man and she lives there for a day. After that the family's man tell the family's girl that they have been kidnapped her, it is called nyelabar, and they are going to talk about plan marriage between the girl and the man. Indonesian tradition is really unique.

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

House-soiling: Trouble Beyond the Litter Box

House-soiling: Trouble Beyond the Litter Box

Unfortunately, cats don't always connect with the litter box. Even cats that know the drill will sometimes choose another spot at home. "House-soiling" can become a concern for even the best cat owners. It can be a sign of a serious health issue or simply the result of changes around the house. Pay close attention for clues to put an early end to a nasty problem for both you and the cat you love.

Signs of a problem:

  • A pattern of urinating and/or defecating outside the litter box
  • Urine spraying - evidence of urine marks around doorways, windows or new objects in the house
  • Spending longer than a normal amount of time in the litter box
  • Vocalizing while in the litter box
  • Going to the litter box more often than normal

Potential causes:

  • Health issues ranging from diabetes mellitus to lower urinary tract disease
  • A dirty litter box or inadequate number of boxes in the home. At least one box per cat plus one is recommended. The litter boxes need to be in different locations in the house - not all in one room.
  • Litter box is located in a remote, noisy or unpleasant surrounding
  • Litter box is inappropriate - covered boxes can maintain odors and large cats may not be able to move around enough in small boxes
  • Wrong type of litter or sudden change in litter type
  • Social changes, such as the addition of a new cat or the sudden presence of outdoor cats
If you change your cat's litter box infrequently, travel a lot, or have multiple cats at home, you're more likely to experience a "house-soiling" problem. Consider making adjustments based on some of the factors described above. If the problem continues, see your veterinarian to investigate possible health problems.

SOURCE: FLUTD: Thinking Outside (and Inside) the Litter Box - Proceedings of the 2007 Hill's FLUTD Symposium

Obedience Training Your Cat

Obedience Training Your Cat

The first thing to realize is that cats do not understand punishment. Encouraging good behavior with a reward is much more effective. There are two types of rewards — praise from you and a tasty treat such as a few kibbles of cat food.
Keep training sessions short. Focus on one command at a time, and once mastered, move on to the next. Practice the commands in lots of different places around the house so that she gets used to responding to you in all sorts of situations. You can use the clicker technique to help with other aspects of your kitten's training, such as encouraging her to stand still for grooming and getting her used to traveling by car.


The meaning of black

The Color Black

Let us see what's the meaning of Black !

The color black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.
In color psychology this color gives protection from external emotional stress.
It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort while protecting its emotions and feelings, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence.
Black is the absorption of all color and the absence of light.
Black hides, while white brings to light.
What black covers, white uncovers.
We all use black at various times to hide from the world around us in one way or another. Some of us use it to hide our weight; others among us use it to hide our feelings, our fears or our insecurities.
In color psychology, black means power and control, hanging on to information and things rather than giving out to others.

Black is intimidating, unfriendly and unapproachable because of the power it exudes.
It can prevent two-way communication because of its intimidation. The salesman wearing all black will make a lot of sales, but no friends! It radiates authority, but creates fear in the process.
Black implies self-control and discipline, independence and a strong will, and giving an impression of authority and power.
Black absorbs negative energy. It is useful to carry something black with you to protect you from harm and negativity when traveling or when going about your usual daily activities outside your home.
People who like black may be conventional, conservative and serious, or they may think of themselves as being sophisticated or very dignified.
The color black is often seen as a color of sophistication, as in 'the little black dress', or 'the black tie event'.
Affluent and success orientated women often choose black as it can give an impression of elegance, sophistication and confidence.

Black is often associated with sexiness and seduction, as in the temptress in sexy black lingerie creating an air of mystery and intrigue. It can also imply submission to another (including a sexual partner), similar to the priest wearing black robes in submission to God.
Black is the end, but the end always implies a new beginning. When the light appears, black becomes white, the color of new beginnings.
Teenagers often have a psychological need to wear black during the stage of transition from the innocence of childhood to the sophistication of adulthood. It signifies the ending of one part of their life and the beginning of another, allowing them to hide from the world while they discover their own unique identity. It is important they go through this stage but a worry when it continues on into adult years if they continue to wear black to the exclusion of other colors.
Too much black can cause depression and mood swings and create a negative environment. Combined with white only, it can create an argumentative atmosphere.
It is best to use some color with black to lighten and brighten its energy.
If your favorite color is black, it will reflect in your personality! Personality color black will give you more information on this.
If you are thinking of using black in a business application, read about the meanings of colors in business


Understanding Your Cat's Meow

 Sometimes we probably ask, why our kitten meow? and we confuse, what we should do? This article will give you the answers ^_^

Understanding Your Cat's Meow

A cat's 'meow' is not just a simple cat sound. It's actually a surprisingly sophisticated method of communication. A cat's vocalization habits and voice are as individual as the voice of a person. You may have a cat that hardly ever makes a peep or you may have one that's extremely talkative. Different breeds will have different sounding meows as well. For example, Siamese cats are famous for their particularly shrill wail.
  • The most common sort of meow is a plaintive cry for attention - if your cat is walking back and forth in the kitchen, she probably wants cat food
  • If meowing occurs when you've just come home, your cat is probably glad to see you and wants to be stroked or picked up - the welcome meow, particularly when it is repeated consistently, is also related to mating
  • A female cat in heat will meow constantly to advertise her availability to males - in some cats this can develop into prolonged wailing at all hours, day or night
Sometimes a cat will make strange chattering or even bleating sounds when discovering prey that's unreachable. No one is entirely sure why cats do this. Some suggest that it is simply a sound of feline anticipation or frustration, like someone smacking their lips. Some people even think it's a ploy on the cat's part to get its prey to investigate the strange noise. Growling, spitting, hissing and shrieking are all aggressive or defensive cries. Usually it's pretty clear if a cat is angry or frightened. Similarly, purring needs little explanation. It means your cat is content.
It should be noted that if you have a quiet cat that suddenly starts meowing or a loud cat that suddenly stops, it might indicate your cat is sick. You should pay particular attention if your cat starts meowing constantly while using litter box, cleaning herself or eating cat food. Any of these could be signs of distress.


Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Adopting Kitten (17611306)

Adopting Kitten

Last Saturday I adopt a Persian male kitten, and the age is 2.5 months. It has two tones colors; grey and white. The kitten named ‘Sunshine’ because I am really happy to get a cat as my pet. I love Sunshine at the first sight. It meowing to call me, to tell if it is hungry, wants to play, or something wrong maybe. 
When Sunshine  comes  to my house, It little bit afraid. Sunshine does not want to eat, prefer to hide under the bead, chair, or table. I have one black cage for Sunshine, there are litter box and water in a bowl. I hope it can enjoy new cage, but the fact do not like to linger in the cage. In the night Sunshine sleep in everywhere it want. 
In the morning Sunshine waits for me, follow me along my house. I feed Sunshine and clean the cage before I go to campus. I always remember Sunshine everywhere I go, and really to see it again.
But I have problem with the sand glob on the litter box. It is latching on the Sunshines’s fur like a bubble gum. Oh, I worry about this, I have to change the sand as soon as possible. The glob sand that latching on Sunshine’s fur makes Sunshine look dirty and smell, and I worry about it’s health.
So, I change the sand with better one. I cut the fur that latching with sand glob. I hope Sunshine will be a good and health male cat.

Tugas 3 (17611306)

Tugas 3 (17611306)

3. [(a)Water] [(b)boil] [(c)at] 212 degrees F, and [(d)freezes] at 32 degrees F.

Answer: (B) should be 'boils'

10. Our friends might [(a)stopped] [(b)to see us] [(c)on] [(d)their ] way to California.

Answer: (B) should be 'to saw us'

6. [(a)The sooner] [(b)you leave,] [(c)the earliest] [(d)you will]

arrive at your destination.

Answer: (C) should be 'the earlier'

Tugas 2 (17611306)

Tugas 2 (17611306)

Direct Speech

1. “The checkout staff seem to get most of the abuse especially about the prices of the managers special line,” a sales assistant working at a branch in Woking, Surrey wrote on employer review website Glassdoor in January 2013 .

2. "Occasionally we see a one-off product that is incredible value costing over the single price point that we believe our customers would like to see on sale," said Poundworld's trading director,

Indirect Speech
1. A sales assistant working at branch in working said the checkout staff seem to get most of the abuse especially about the prices of the managers special line.

2. Poundworld's trading director said they occasioanally saw a one-off product that was incredible value costing over the single price point that they believed our customers would like to saw on sale.